President’s Message – Communications are heating up! 3 Things You NEED to Know About This Spring
By Jenifer Wisniewski, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
The weather is getting warmer, and we have some excitement in the air. There are 3 BIG things I’d like to share with you all.
First thing:
We have a completed toolkit for the “Making It Last” State Agency Relevancy Campaign!!! We have now added focus group and survey testing and the results to this tested and proven message. I hope you will all adopt this at some level in your communications. It has been the work of MANY of you, and is a truly valuable resource.
Whether you have $0 and little expertise to tens of thousands of dollars and lots of experience to implement something, you will find this really helpful. The target audience segmentation and how to reach them and free online resources to look at your state are really good. This is available now on the AFWA website.
Second thing:
Survey results are out! You may recall we did a survey on staff structure of communications/marketing/outreach/I&E divisions or units, and we have results to share with you that are really interesting. It was a hard subject to survey since we are all so different. Did you know 20 percent of those surveyed have two full-time social media people?
Lots of interesting tidbits to inform how people are structuring their offices to help inform decisions. These are available from the links below, and I hope you will take time to take a look. We will also talk about this at the ACI conference in Savannah this year! In the meantime, please contact me if you have any questions about the survey.
Copy Of Survey Report 03-11-2019 (84.9 KiB)
QuestionPro-Survey 03-11-2019 (188.5 KiB)
Third thing:
Registration is open for the best conservation communication conference in the nation! Get signed up today!
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