What are YOU bringing to the ACI Auction?
By Scott Ball, TBW Editor

Steve “Wildman” Wilson
That’s what auctioneer extraordinaire Steve “Wildman” Wilson always asked. While you’re packing for the trip to Lake Tahoe, be sure to include some items for the annual ACI Auction.
Always a highlight of any ACI conference, the Auction is not only a fun social activity, but also one of the ways ACI raises money to help offset the costs of putting on a conference.
We need your help to make the auction successful. Donations of merchandise and agency SWAG are appreciated and welcomed with open arms. We also need big ticket items – like a guided hunting or fishing trip or other outdoor adventure in your state. Maybe a weekend at one of your beautiful state parks. Do you have a connection with a retailer willing to donate merchandise for a good cause? ACI is a GREAT cause.
You can bring your auction items with you to the conference if you like. If it’s too big to fit in your suitcase, you can ship it directly to Conference Coordinator Aaron Meier at the following address:
Nevada Department of Wildlife
6980 Sierra Center Parkway, Suite 120
Reno, NV 89511
Thank you!
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